Welcome to Atlanta’s New Home For LiveO2


Come into O2 Per­for­mance & Recov­ery Stu­dio to expe­ri­ence Life Cre­at­ing Work­out using LiveO2

In just 15-min­utes, mem­bers in the Atlanta Com­mu­ni­ty are expe­ri­enc­ing the ulti­mate anti-inflam­ma­to­ry ben­e­fit. This ben­e­fit leads to reduced pain, accel­er­at­ed recov­ery, increased ener­gy and more.

If you are in the area, drop by because the best way to learn about LiveO2 is by expe­ri­enc­ing it.

Stu­dio Team: Bar­gov Polasa, David Cham­blee, Steve Rodriguez

LiveO2 is host­ing offi­cial train­ing in the Stu­dio, on April 27–28th. Learn more

O2 Per­for­mance and Recov­ery Studio


11877 Dou­glas Rd. Suite #108

Alpharet­ta, GA 30005